Clients Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost?
To learn more about our solutions and to request a quotation, please contact us through email [email protected] or request a demo.
How much will I save switching to IBEA?
Depending on the volume of suppliers and payments volume, on average AP automation reduced up to 80% of payment costs. We will be pleased to share a more accurate calculation in the demo meeting, request your demo now.
Do I need to install anything to use IBEA platform?
No, the IBEA platform is fully browser based, and IBEA fully integrates into your company's ERP.
How long it will take to integrate the solution to my ERP?
IBEA will integrate fully with your ERP within 2-3 weeks.
What will it cost my supplier?
No fees are charged to the suppliers.
Why automate payments?
Use Automation to streamline your routine and time-consuming accounts payable processes while generating revenue to your bottom line, learn more by requesting a demo.
Can suppliers see their invoice on my work list?
No, suppliers will have no visibility over your work list, they can only see payments that have been scheduled for them.
Can suppliers see the changes I make to the invoices?
No, suppliers have no visibility on your work list.
What are the payment methods available?
All payment methods enabled by your bank are supported through IBEA’s Platform.
Can I receive invoices through IBEA from all suppliers?
This solution is coming soon.

Suppliers Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to install anything to use IBEA platform?
No, the IBEA platform is fully browser based, and IBEA fully integrates into your company's ERP.
Can other suppliers see my invoices?
No, all payment invoice information is confidential between the buyer and the supplier.
Does this cost anything?
No, there are no fees charged on the supplier to receive the payment.
Can I have more than 1 ID for my company?
Only one user is permitted per supplier.
Do you need assistance?
If you are an IBEA customer and need assistance, please email us at [email protected] or you may refer to the Customer FAQs.